STATION ID - 7047/3.12 9x Datakit Network FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY This is a 9x system, restricted to authorized persons and for official 9x business only. Anyone using this system, network or data is subject to being monitored at any time for system administration and for identifying unauthorized users or system misuse. Anyone using this system expressly consents to such monitoring and is advised that any evidence of criminal activity revealed through such monitoring may be provided to law enforcement for prosecution. TTYs/TTDs and Relay service - by phriendly phriend -------------------------------------------------- introduction: ------------- You can make free calls anywhere in the world with the help of TTY/TTD relay service, let me explain what TTY/TTD is, its a machine/device, it has acoustic couplers, a keyboard and a lcd screen. If you dont have a tty, you can still make your computer into a tty, just get a terminal program that can set your modem at 110 or 300 baud, half duplex, 8N1 parity, and CR settings, i will explain more howto setup your computer to act like a tty later in this article. TTD/TTY Relay Service is a service for Deaf people with TTD/TTY's they call the relay service and make calls to hearing people... and the operator relays it all. its like this -- operator==> Bell Canada Relay Service Relais operator #8032 ga me==> Hi id like to make a call to John Doe at 614-641-9234 ga operator==> Okay, Dialing.. ringing 1, 2, hello ga me==> hello, this is phriendly phriend.. how are you doing John ga john==> im doing fine, how about you? ga me==> i gotta go, bye sksk operator==> would you like to make another call? ga me==> no thanks, bye for now ga to sk operator==> have a nice day sksk me==> (thinks, yeah.. thanx for the free call) sksk *click* thats a example of a relay operator conversation with a friend. how the relay service works: ---------------------------- the Operator has a tty and a telephone, you call the relay operator and type what you want to say to the hearing person, the operator reads what you type and speaks it to your friend, and your friend speaks back, and the operator types what your friend says to you. and you type back. making free callz using relay service + extender or pbx: -------------------------------------------------------- Ok, I found out a really neat thing.. i called 711 (the number for the bell relay service) with a extender, (pbx/extendernumber,,code,,relayservice#) then the bell relay operator answers, i asked her what my # was, the relay operator said it was 9057723367, bingo. The relay operator doesnt know my real # and therefore i can make long distance calls anywhere in the whole world. And the operator charges those calls to the extender, not your # pretty neat eh? setting up your computer to call tty relay service: --------------------------------------------------- Now, you dont have a tty eh? go buy one!! uhh no.. its too much $, okay you can turn your computer so that it actz like a tty ascii code is used, ASCII stands for American Standard Code for Information Interchange, Some TTYs and all computers in the US/Canada use ASCII code. IF you use ASCII, you may need to change some options. The options you can change are as follows: Buud rate, is how fast characters travel. You can choose 110 or 300 baud, but 110 is raely used. The default baud rate is 300. Duplex, controls how characters are displayed. If you get double characters, (lliikkee tthhiiss) or none at all, change the option between half duplex and full duplex. The default is half duplex. Parity, controls error-checking, You can choose 7N1, 8N1, 7E1, or 7O1. The first number is data bits. The middle letter means (N)o parity, (E)ven parity, or (O)dd parity. The last number is stop bits. 8N1 and 7E1 are used most often. The default is 8N1 parity. Return, Determines what the TTY sends when you press the return key. You can choose CR or CR/LF. Cr (carriage return) goes to the beginning of the current line. CR/LF (carriage return plus line feed) goes to the beginning of the next line. The default is CR. To connect your computer to a TTY, you shuold use 300 baud, half duplex, 8N1 parity and CR settings. TTY Language (Conversation Etiquette): -------------------------------------- you need to know tty codes to communicate with the bell operator/people GA = When you talk with another person by TTY, you type while the other person reads. When you want the other person to respond, type GA for "Go ahead." ie. hello john, how are you GA GA OR SK = To say goodbye, type GA OR SK. This gives the other person a chance to say any last words before ending the conversation. SKSK = Type SKSK to end the conversation. Q = Some people prefer to type Q instead of a quetion mark because it saves time and is easier to type You can use punctuation marks such as commas and periods, although many people choose to omit them. you may also abbreviate words, such as: GA = go ahead OPR = operator SK = stop keying PLS = please CD = could Q = question mark CUL = see you later R = are CUZ = because SHD = should HD = hold THX = thanks MTG = meeting TMW = tomorrow NBR = number U = you OIC = oh i see UR = your TTY relay operator lists + interesting tty #'s: ----------------------------------------------- 202-855-1234 District of Columbia TTY 202-855-1000 District of Columbia voice 212-219-1887 New York City Recycling Hotline 315-337-8489 Auto Attendant & TDD Mail 503-760-2212 911 Emergency in Portland, Oregon 617-849-5677 Massachusetts Lottery 800-548-2546 Alabama TTY 800-548-2547 Alabama voice 800-770-8973 Alaska TTY 800-770-8255 Alaska voice 800-367-8939 Arizona TTY 800-842-4681 Arizona voice 800-285-1131 Arkansas TTY 800-285-1121 Arkansas voice 800-735-2929 California TTY 800-735-2922 California voice 800-735-0091 California ascii 800-659-2656 Colorado TTY 800-659-3656 Colorado voice 800-659-4656 Colorado ascii 800-842-9710 Connecticut TTY 800-833-8134 Connecticut voice 800-232-5460 Delaware TTY 800-232-5470 Delaware voice 800-955-8771 Florida TTY 800-955-8770 Florida voice 800-255-0056 Georgia TTY 800-255-0135 Georgia voice 808-643-8833 Hawaii TTY 808-546-2565 Hawaii voice 800-377-3529 Idaho TTY 800-377-1363 Idaho voice 800-526-0844 Illinois TTY 800-526-0857 Illinois voice 800-501-0864 Illinois Spanish TTY 800-501-0865 Illinois Spanish voice 800-743-3333 Indiana TTY/voice 800-735-2942 Iowa TTY 800-735-2943 Iowa voice 800-766-3777 Kansas TTY/voice 800-648-6056 Kentucky TTY 800-648-6057 Kentucky voice 800-846-5277 Louisiana TTY 800-947-5277 Louisiana voice 800-437-1220 Maine TTY 800-457-1220 Maine voice 800-735-2258 Maryland TTY/voice 800-439-2370 Massachusetts TTY/voice/ascii 800-439-0183 Massachusetts voice 800-649-3777 Michigan TTY/voice 800-627-3529 Minnesota TTY/voice/ascii 800-582-2233 Mississippi TTY 800-855-1000 Mississippi voice 800-855-1234 Mississippi ascii 800-735-2966 Missouri TTY 800-735-2466 Missouri voice 800-253-4091 Montana TTY 800-253-4093 Montana voice 800-833-7352 Nebraska TTY 800-833-0920 Nebraska voice 800-326-6868 Nevada TTY 800-326-6888 Nevada voice 800-735-2964 New Hampshire TTY/voice 800-852-7899 New Jersey TTY 800-852-7897 New Jersey voice 800-659-8331 New Mexico TTY 800-659-1779 New Mexico voice 800-662-1220 New York TTY 800-421-1220 New York voice 800-735-2962 North Carolina TTY 800-735-8262 North Carolina voice 800-366-6888 North Dakota TTY 800-366-6889 North Dakota voice 800-750-0750 Ohio TTY/voice 800-522-8506 Oklahoma TTY 800-722-0353 Oklahoma voice 800-735-2900 Oregon TTY 800-735-1232 Oregon voice 800-735-0644 Oregon ascii 800-735-3896 Oregon Spanish TTY/voice 800-654-5984 Pennsylvania TTY 800-654-5988 Pennsylvania voice 800-745-5555 Rhode Island TTY 800-745-6575 Rhode Island voice 800-745-1570 Rhode Island ascii 800-735-2905 South Carolina TTY/voice 800-877-1113 South Dakota TTY/voice 800-848-0298 Tennessee TTY 800-848-0299 Tennessee voice 800-735-2989 Texas TTY 800-735-2988 Texas voice 800-735-2991 Texas ascii 800-346-4128 Utah TTY/voice 800-253-0191 Vermont TTY 800-253-0195 Vermont voice 800-828-1120 Virgina TTY 800-828-1140 Virgina voice 800-833-6388 Washington TTY 800-833-6384 Washington voice 800-833-6385 Washington telebraille 800-982-8771 West Virgina TTY 800-982-8772 West Virgina voice 800-947-3529 Wisconsin TTY/voice 800-877-9975 Wyoming TTY 800-877-9965 Wyoming voice 800-855-2880 AT&T National Relay TTY 800-855-2881 AT&T National Relay voice 800-855-2882 AT&T National Relay ascii 800-855-2883 AT&T National Relay telebraille 800-855-2884 AT&T National Relay Spanish TTY 800-855-2885 AT&T National Relay Spanish voice 800-855-2886 AT&T National Relay Spanish ascii 800-877-8339 Federal Information Relay Service TTY/voice 800-833-5833 Hamilton National Relay TTY 800-833-7833 Hamilton National Relay voice 800-688-4889 MCI National Relay TTY 800-947-8642 MCI National Relay voice 800-877-8973 Sprint National Relay TTY/voice/ascii 800-243-7889 AIDS Hotline 800-855-1155 AT&T Directory Asisstance 800-326-2996 Federal Information Center 800-544-3316 QVC --- extra technincal info: ---------------------- Communication Codes; Automatic code detection on outgoing calls (Turbo Code, ASCII or Baudot) Baudot Code: 45.5 and 50 baud Senstivity: -45 dbm, 67 dBSPL (min) Output: -10 dbm Turbo code: 100 baud (average) 7 data bits ASCII Code: 7N1, 8N1, 7E1, and 7O1 110 and 300 caud Answer and orignate Full and half duplex Compatible with Bell 103 modems --- So, just set your modems/TTY's up and dial a extender then the relay service, boom.. call any friend anywhere, anytime. :-> this phile written by phriendly phriend. any questions, reach me at EOF