STATION ID - 7047/3.12 9x Datakit Network FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY This is a 9x system, restricted to authorized persons and for official 9x business only. Anyone using this system, network or data is subject to being monitored at any time for system administration and for identifying unauthorized users or system misuse. Anyone using this system expressly consents to such monitoring and is advised that any evidence of criminal activity revealed through such monitoring may be provided to law enforcement for prosecution. Time-o-Matic's System 8000 ---------------------------- by: Grampa Elite Background info/blurb on Time-o-Matic --------------------------------------- Time-O-Matic, Inc., founded in 1932, is the oldest manufacturer of electronic signs. Based in central Illinois, the privately owned firm specializes in selling and installing commercial electronic signs throughout the United States and Latin America through a network of experienced custom sign manufacturers. Time-O-Matic is also the country's leading manufacturer of electronic time & temperature signs. System 8000 ------------- The Time-o-Matic 8000, TOM 8k for short is a type of messaging center that display messages to the general public. There are other types of TOM's besides the 8000 but since this is the only type I have encountered that is what I am writing about. Most TOM 8k's have a modem somewhere in the messaging center that is used to configure it from remote. With the TOM 8k you need a specialized client to access it from modem, actually it is very simplistic in nature but is needed because it doesn't show jack shit if you dial it with a comm program. This client has a main menu that looks like.. ------------------------------------------- System 8000 Control Menu F1 - HELP F2 - MESSAGES F3 - SEQUENCING F4 - USER GRAPHICS F5 - COMMUNICATIONS F6 - SYSTEM AUDIT F7 - .... UNASSIGNED .... F8 - CONFIGURATION F9 - SYSTEM DATE/TIME F10 - QUIT (Return to DOS) -------------------------------------------- The F2 command shows all the messages that are displayed by the TOM and also lets you add/edit/delete messages. The F5 command holds numbers to the TOM(s) and has an option to connect to them. Basicly these are the only two functions we are concerned with right now. The main point is that TOM 8k's have no passwords or passwording ability! So if you have found a TOM, it is well within anyones reach to change these to whatever you may want like "hey you, yeah you in the car, what the fuck are you looking at?" maybe you don't want to do that as it may cause some traffic problems. I have included the client within the file which needs to be configured before you run it..